时讯:Heroes come from the people:Father and Son Compete for Most Crimes Solved to Celebrate Holiday

2023-01-23 19:21:42     来源:极目新闻

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Father and Son Compete for Most Crimes Solved to Celebrate Holiday

父亲黄祥瑜 Huang Xiangyu (father)

儿子黄学忠工作照 (通讯员供图) Huang Xuezhong (son) Photo provided by correspondent

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 蔡青 梁传松

通讯员 付水平 余情愫


Reporters: Qing Cai, Chuansong Liang

Correspondents: Shuiping Fu, Qingsu Yu

译者:宋天硕、吴华珊、Lisa M. K(湖北大学)

Translators: Tianshuo Song, Huashan Wu, Lisa M. K (Hubei University)


January 10 was the third Chinese People"s Police Day. Early that morning, police officer Huang Xuezhong received greetings and a “challenge letter” from his father: Last year you cracked a gun robbery, and I also cracked a gang robbery. It was a draw. Let"s do it again in different areas this year and see who can solve more cases and win more awards.


Since Jimu News first published this story on WeChat, netizens from Guangdong, Hunan and Hubei provinces have given the father and son thumbs up, stating “they were not only funny, but also remarkably patriotic”.


Huang Xuezhong, aged 29, is a detective at the Ezhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, while his father Huang Xiangyu is a criminal investigation police officer at the Xiantao Public Security Bureau. This was not the first time the father and the son had competed in solving cases. Huang Xuezhong was ready to “take up the challenge” at once. “Bring it on! I am youthful and energetic, you are older and experienced. Both of us have our advantages”, said Xuezhong.


Heroic Father-Son Pair


Huang Xuezhong describes his 56-year-old father as a “case freak”.


In 2022, Huang Xiangyu participated in solving more than 20 criminal cases. During the investigation of a major case involving a Jiangxi gang robbing CNY240,000 in cash by car in Xiantao City, he and his comrades went to Wuhan, Guangdong, Jiangxi and other places more than ten times to gather irrefutable evidence for the case. Despite being ill, he traveled over 10,000 kilometers, investigating and collecting over 400 copies of evidence. In December 2022, all six suspects involved in the case were transferred for prosecution.


Both father and son are heroes. In November 2017, after passing the National Civil Servants Examination, Huang Xuezhong was appointed as a police officer in charge of video investigation in the Criminal Investigation Branch of the Ezhou Public Security Bureau. In 2018, “Iron Hawk”, a team designated to combating street crimes against property, was established by the Ezhou Public Security Bureau, and Xuezhong became a member of it.


“This young man is passionate and skilled in handling cases,” an officer in charge told the JIMU News reporter. Huang Xuezhong has rich experience in investigating street crimes involving property infringement. In the hunt for a suspect who had smashed the windows of many cars along Wuchang Avenue in Ezhou, he utilized technology to solve the case. From the case study to the successful arrest of repeat offender Rao, it only took him two hours.


In June 2022, the Huahu Airport Branch was established by the Ezhou Public Security Bureau. Huang Xuezhong was transferred to the Airport Branch where he was responsible for public security and the fire brigade.


Having been a police officer for 32 years, Huang Xiangyu enjoys passing on his skills to his son, a novice police officer. Initially, Huang Xuezhong disagreed with his father"s way of solving cases through visits and investigations, viewing it as outdated. He, on the other hand, can pinpoint suspects in the comfort of his office with the help of big data. Thus, many differences arose in their beliefs on handling cases.


Father and Son Learn from Each Other


“Six criminals of the gang robbery have been prosecuted. Did I do a good job?” Huang Xiangyu proudly sent the message to his son after New Year"s Day. Huang Xuezhong, determined not to lose, declared “I also took over a case and solved it within a week.” The investigation had been initiated after the electric cable at the Ezhou Convention and Exhibition Center was repeatedly stolen on December 31. On January 3, 2023, Huang Xuezhong identified three suspects by using big data. Two days later, the criminal gang was successfully arrested.


Since Huang Xuezhong became a police officer, he has garnered multiple awards for his outstanding performance. Thus far, he has been awarded a personal third-class merit, was named “Excellent Civil Servant” for five consecutive years, and was cited by Ezhou Public Security Bureau four times. “Despite all your achievements, be humble. Protect yourself and your colleagues on the spot”. Huang Xiangyu began to “preach” enthusiastically. At the same time, he praised his son, stating: “You apparently have outperformed me because I"ve only received a few third-class merits in over 30 years of work.”


After multiple competitions, it is now the norm for the father and son to compete and learn from each other. Now, Huang Xuezhong no longer disdains his father"s old-fashioned methods while Huang Xiangyu is open to learning modern detection techniques from his son.


“I admire my father from the bottom of my heart. Growing up in the police camps in Xiantao, I have dreamed of being a police officer just like my father since my childhood.” Huang Xuezhong recalled playing the game cops and robbers when he was in elementary school. He would wear his father"s large uniform and broad-brimmed hat, much to the envy of his friends. After he became a police officer, his father taught him how to record a statement, find clues at crime scenes and perform his duties.


To ensure his son gives his work full attention, Huang Xiangyu and his wife have been raising their 3-year-old granddaughter since her birth. With Huang Xuezhong"s wife working in Xiantao town, the couple spends more time apart than together.


“Happy holidays!” On the morning of January 10, the father and the son wearing police uniforms exchanged greetings in a video call. What a heartwarming scene! They promised to take a photo together this time next year.



标签: 鄂州市公安局 新闻记者 犯罪嫌疑人
