Hubei Role Model:Returning home to start his business, A College Graduate Depicts the Beautiful “Homesickness”

2022-02-28 11:30:58     来源:极目新闻

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Over 100 Wall Paintings Tell the Story of the Qingjiang River


Returning home to start his business, A College Graduate Depicts the Beautiful“Homesickness”

Reporter: Liu Junhua

翻译:徐彩云 卫拉 尚绮

Translator:Xu Caiyun, Lisa, Shang Qi


Is homesickness visible? In Baiyanao Village, Gaobazhou Town, Yidu of Yichang, homesickness is painted on the walls: boat trackers on the Qingjiang River, stonemasons in the village,raftingsailors... Each piece of painting evokes the memory of the people living along the Qingjiang River. Most of these works, telling a story of the past,are created by Gong Tingjie, a young man who has just graduated from university.


Gong Tingjie, who returned to his hometown to start his own business, has createdmore than 100 wall paintings in the village, attracting many tourists. He is thuscalledthe“homesickness painter”.


Returning home to start his business, the College graduate depicts “homesickness”.


Baiyanao is a small mountain village located inone of the bendsof the Qingjiang River.


Villagers there used to live on quarrying and fishing as the mountains and rivers were their only source of food.


Gong Tingjie was born in 1997. His grandparents and their generation all lived near the riverand relied on it for a living. When it came to his generation, being the only child of the family, he was expected to stay away from the waves and live a more secure and stable life.


Gong had found his interest in painting since childhood and was an art student in senior high school. Later,he was admitted to a university in Wuhan as a student of visual communication. After Gong graduated from the university in 2019, he chose to stay in Wuhan and worked as an interior designer. But in the following year when the epidemic broke out,he happened to be at home and was thus detained there.


This was the first time he had ever taken a close look at his hometown as an adult. He found that the local way of life that had been followed for thousands of years was undergoing great changes.Because of the implementation of the Great Protection of the Yangtze River policy, villagers can no longer rely on the Qingjiang River(a tributary of the Yangtze River) and the mountain forests as their only source of living. This new tide of rural revitalization has brought a new proposition to the youth. When the village leadership learned about Gong Tingjie"s intention to stay in the village, they put him on the list of reserved cadres. When he finally decided to stay, he began to question himself, “what can I do for the village?”


“We are building our village into one that is beautiful,” Xiong Aimin, the party secretary of Baiyanao Village told him,“You are an art major, and you can certainly give your talents a full play.”


This reminded Gong Tingjie of his past experience in painting wall paintings for companies in Wuhan. With so many stories to tell in Baiyanao,he could create a unique scenery for the village if he put all these stories on the wall in the form of painting.


Over 100 wall paintings tell the story of the Qingjiang River


In the summer of 2021, Gong Tingjie took up his brush and began his wall paintings. He particularly wanted to depict the way of life of their ancestors.


He chose villager Cao Yuanjin"s house for his first attempt. It is a bungalow with a broad front and a nice view of the winding country road. Cao Yuanjin, the 68-year-old villager was very willing to accept the painting as he said, “I fully support you because you are beautifying my house and our village.”

把墙刷白后,龚庭杰用绿色颜料画出山坡,坡上接着多了一座红庙。乡亲们好奇,一个个过来围观。等山脚出现了一条河流,岸上赤身的纤夫们逆流而上拉纤时,围观的人恍然大悟:“江是咱们的清江,庙是咱们的三帮庙。” 龚庭杰画了三天,村口多了这幅“清江拉纤”图。

After painting the wall white, Gong Tingjie then painted green hills before adding a red temple on one of the hills. Curious villagers slowly gathered around him to watch. When a river was drawn at the foot of the hills with a number of boat trackers bare to their waists towing a boat along the river, the villagers suddenly realized that what Gong had painted was the Qingjiang River and the Sanbang Temple. It took Gong Tingjie three days to finish the painting“Boat Trackers on Qingjiang”which now stands at the entrance of the village greeting visitors from far and near.

清江纤夫 Boat Trackers onQingjiang


In the following six months, more paintings such as the “Evening Chat Around the Stove”, “Oil Extraction”, “Rafting on Qingjiang”and others gradually appeared on the walls around the village. These colorful paintings, bearing the common memories of the villagers, easily evoked their warm feeling of the past while beautifying the village. Sometimes Gong Tingjie would invite his friends,who had also studied art,to help him with the work when he was too busy. Till date, they have finished more than 100 wall paintings.


“Evening Chat Around the Stove”is indeed a true portrait of the local life. In midwinter by the chilly river, a family would always gather around the stove after their supper, sipping some tea and chatting. The room would be filled with the aroma of the sweet potatoes baked in the stove and the cured meat hanging on the wall, all while the kids were running around.


Gong Tingjie loves the village in which he has lived for over 20 years.“The time seemed to go by slowly when I was young and the winter was always long.”This village bears his memory of picking pears in the blooming spring, catching shrimps in the hot summer, collecting oranges in the cool autumn and chatting around the stove with his family in midwinter. Life is leisurely and peaceful and everything is so intoxicating for him in such a beautiful village.


The Exploration of an Ecological Path for Cultural Tourism


At first, the villagers just thought that the wall paintings made the village more beautiful and interesting. They later found that people from the city would drive here to enjoy the wall paintings as well as the beautiful scenery and delicious food.


Both Gong Tingjie and the villagers realize that the mountains, rivers, the relaxing lifestyle, the warm and intimate communication among the villagers and the unique local culture are the true treasures of Baiyanao Village. Wall-painting is just one way to preserve the memory of their village and their nostalgia in the process of urbanization. It shows respect to the affection that the locals have for the past life, and is a unique resource for the development of the village.


In recent years, the lifestyle of the villagers has undergone great changes. They used to engage in cage aquaculture in the Qingjiang River and pig-raising in the hills. Now, since a ban has been implemented on the fishing along the Yangtze River, ships are prohibited within 500 meters of Qingjiang River. Meanwhile, large-scale pig farms are required to meet relevant environmental protection requirements. With these measures in place, the water in the Qingjiang River is clear again, however, the villagers are now left to rely only on the citrus groves for their income.


So how to make full use of the ecological resources while protecting the mountains and rivers and increase the income of the villagers has become a question of great interest to Gong Tingjie and the village committee.


Gong Tingjie"s father runs a restaurant for agritainment in the village. Inspired by his son, he plans to build it into a theme restaurant of “Sanbang”.With the exhibition of “Sanbang”culture, through the telling of “Sanbang”stories, he hopes to attract more attention to Baiyanao and get more people to learn about “Sanbang”culture. (“Sanbang”refers to three organized groups in the past, namely, Shibang (stonemason group), Kebang(merchant group) and Chuanbang (ship transportation group).


Baiyanao has the tradition of folklore telling. It is granted the title of “Folklore Village”by the Yichang Folk Literature and Art Association after its stories were sorted out and compiled. Baiyanao Village enjoys both lush mountains and lucid water as well as agritainment, now the village committee has decided to focus on wall paintings and folk stories to attract visitors.


“With green mountains, clean water and enchanting stories, Baiyanao Village has decided to explore an ecological way for cultural tourism and build its brand into a village of stories.”Xiong Aimin, the party secretary of Baiyanao Village, told the reporter.


标签: 围炉夜话 寒冬腊月 大学毕业
